Monday, September 27, 2010

Progress on my Goals

So far, I have managed to use the weights that I have in my house and have been recording my use of them on my calender. I still need to form some sort of schedule for the treadmill due to the amount of work I have from school. I have gone to each of the Friday after-school soccer matches, which has helped develop my skills in soccer. Luckily, my coach for Varsity Soccer managed to set up a game against the Colombo Lions last Saturday. The match really put things in perspective for me. It showed me that I greatly had to improve my stamina since I had the skills to play against the Colombo Lions, but lacked the stamina to keep up with them. This has fueled my drive to finish a schedule for the treadmill so I can improve my stamina before the SAISA Soccer season starts. Recycling has been going well this year. We have a larger group than before, so it can get a little chaotic. However, Mr. Lockwood, Shin, and I developed an idea to create a workshop for the school staff to understand what recycling does.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Goals For The Senior Year

My goals for my CAS for my final year at OSC have slightly changed since my last reflections at the end of my 11th grade. At the end of the year I had failed to accomplish my goal of going to the gym on a weekly basis due to my lack of time management. However, for this year I have decided to make up for that by using my agenda a lot more. This way, I'll be able to keep track of the amount of work that I have to do, which will enable me to manage my time better. I've also decided that instead of going to the gym, I would just use the facilities that I have in my house which I fail to take advantage of. There is a treadmill, some weights, and a punching bag and I'll keep track of the amount of time that I use it via the calender. I'm still continuing with Recycling as my service with Shin as my co-leader. I've found out who is part of the Recycling group and I'm looking forward to working with them to help our world in any way possible. Unfourtently, I have chosen not to continue with Yearbook due to the new system that was develped of offering it as an after-school activity. On the other hand, I have chosen to play soccer on Friday after-school in order to keep in shape. So far in school I have been playing soccer during lunch with my friends which I wasn't able to do last year. As a result, I'm developing my soccer skills through multiple ways before SAISA soccer season starts. During the summer I visited different Universities and I met with Professors of the Major that I was interested in. After discussing with them, and with the help of my Mom, I discovered a computer class that was being offered in Sri Lanka. I'm planning on taking these classes after the October SAT's in order to develop some new programming skills which will help me in the Major that I'm going to pursue in University. So for this year I'll learn new skills through my undertaking of the programming classes that I will take after the October SATs, I'm contributing effectively through my commitement to the Recycling project, and I'm keeping in shape by refining my soccer skills and using the excersize equipment available at my house.